International relations +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University welcomes the study, internship and research work of students of all levels abroad. Students have several options for participating in short-term and full-year programs in 30 countries.

Studying abroad is available to all students at any stage of their academic or career path. Upon graduation, the international experience item on your resume will set it apart from the rest, demonstrating your ability to integrate into the international community.





It cannot be said that the education system of the Republic of Korea differs from the education system of Kazakhstan. But we cannot deny that some of these features are pushing Korean universities forward around the world. In South Korean universities, the academic year consists of two semesters: the first semester lasts from March to July, and the second semester lasts from September to the end of December. Advantages of education in South Korea:
1. Quality education. Teachers are not limited to providing students with pure high-quality knowledge, but also try to make classes more interesting. This is due to the fact that at the end of the semester, students must necessarily leave an honest anonymous review about the professor and his subject before checking the final grade. This makes the feedback more noticeable.
2. the campus has everything necessary for students: a canteen, grocery stores, a library, a dormitory, a football field, a cafe, a park, etc.
4. a month before the start of classes, students send an application for the desired subject and make up their lesson plan. After attending classes within 1 week after the start of classes, it will be possible to cancel the missed lesson and sign up for another teacher or subject.

 Abdikarimova Balzhan AYA-18-1(study group)



During 5 months of studying in Poland, we experienced the Polish atmosphere, learned their basic culture and values.

1. The first and most important thing is that Poles are very loyal to their language. If they are not needed, they will not speak to you in a foreign language. I really liked this quality, because this is the only way to save the nation.
2. The Poles have preserved all their wealth to this day. Ancient palaces, towers and museums are protected in the blink of an eye, and, accordingly, it has become a business and tourism.
3. Strict laws. For example, I did not pay my fare on time, I paid a fine and for a considerable amount. People are conscious and know that they are responsible for every violation. Summing up the results of our study abroad, I want to say that it gave me a springboard and an impetus to further development. Before going to Poland, I was an impressive kid who saw nothing but his dream of studying in Europe! Now I understand that he has grown relatively. Now I have a lot of experience working in Europe. Every student experiences

Temirzhan Alua. AYA-19-7 (study group)

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Contact phone numbers:



work.png Gulnaziya Almakhanova                                                                           work.png Kenshinbai Timur                                                          
Head of International Relations Department                                                                          Head of the group for International projects and Scholarships

phone.png  +7 702 510 5084                                                                                         phone.png  +7 701 724 70 06

email.png                                                           email.png


work.png Kalmaganbet Zhanibek Duisenbekovich                                               work.png Bitimbay Sherkhan Bakhytovich                                                         
Translator specialist of the Department of international relations                                          Translator specialist of the Department of international relations

phone.png  +7 708 674 50 43                                                                                         phone.png +7 747 258 57 75, +7 7242 26 17 25

email.png                                                                        email.png 

work.png Agibayev Arnur                                                                            
Specialist of the Department of international relations                                                           

phone.png  +7 702 145 3175                                                                                        


place.png 29a Aiteke bi Street, main academic building


clock.png Working hours:Monday-Friday, 9:00 – 18:30







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